Shaping the National Schools with International Accreditation Standards Council for International American Accreditation, New York now launching in India
“Council for International American Accreditation’s new initiative of American International Accreditation Association of Schools and colleges (AIAASC) is to support national schools with international accreditation standards, where a school which follows national curriculum can take our international accreditation process. This will help them apply international best practices and improve the learners’ (Students) experience in order to create global citizens” said by Dr.Paul Bresfordhill, Chairman AIAASC, UN ambassador order of Malta.
“Through the CIAA Accreditation process, the network of schools across the world and our strong network of partners, schools can have workshops or events to provide better exposure to their students and adopt comprehensive strategies to focus parallelly on skill development. Studying in a school with all the international best practices and standards, where the teachers and management are trained with proper guidance will give students an edge over others. A foreign curriculum does not guarantee success. The method of teaching does” said by Dr.Mohanalakshmi, Director Global, CIAA, Regional Director AIAASC- American International Accreditation Association of Schools and colleges.
Purpose & Direction
The implementation of the mission, vision and values, including the development of global citizenship, as defined by the school.
High Quality Learning And Teaching
The nature and quality of learning and the resulting progress made by the students.
The Development of Global Citizenship
As defined by the CIAA’s mission and definition of global citizenship.
Pillars of Continuous Improvement
“CIAA performance standards define excellence in every aspect of education. With CIAA standards as your guide, assure your learners of high-quality schooling that prepares them for their next steps in education or career anywhere in the world” said Hyden Douglas Palmer, Co-ordinator India.
What makes a good school?
“The quality of a school goes beyond its name, location, or reputation. Your school succeeds when it supports every learner every day, offering opportunities for every learner to reach further” said by Christopher Chan, Director CIAA US.
Hallmarks of Excellence
CIAA Performance Standards are the centerpiece of continuous improvement for our member institutions around the world and the foundation of the accreditation process.
Fundamental Values
CIAA Performance Standards underpin all our solutions in service to schools and learnersβprofessional learning, accreditation, assessment, and school improvement and turnaround for regional schools to become truely global.
Preparatory Evaluation
“The preparatory evaluation measures your school’s readiness to undertake the self-study process. Evaluators assess the report to provide feedback and give commendations and recommendations” said by Dr.Saranaya Jaikumar, National Accreditation Commission, CIAA. The visit allows CIAA to clarify the accreditation process to the school community, and prepare the school for the Self-study stage.
Self-Study Process
The self-study process is the most important part of the whole evaluation and accreditation cycle, both in terms of time and effort and in the value for your school. While identifying and validating your schoolβs strengths, this process also identifies areas for improvement and initiates actions to address them. A self-study normally takes between 3-6 months to complete.
Team Evaluation
After submitting the self-study report, a team of peer evaluators will visit your school to provide an objective evaluation of the conclusions in your report. The evaluation team is composed of CIAA trained educators from across the world. This team visits your school for three days, observing all types of learning situations and meeting with students, parents, faculty/staff and members of the schoolβs leadership, governance and ownership groups. The evaluation team analyses all aspects of your school considering your self-study report, your own guiding statements, and the CIAA school evaluation standards.
Annual Accreditation Reports
To enable CIAA to support and monitor continuous school improvement, accredited schools provide an annual accreditation report which provides an update on school improvement practices and substantive developments.